We all have needs When we grew up, we may have been told that certain needs are not acceptable, so we suppress such needs because we are ashamed of them As a result, we may not be consciously aware that […]...
What if struggles are not tests but opportunities for us to recognise our own worth When you hit your bottom, or even rock bottom, do you think it’s the universe throwing another test at you to see how much you […]...
Embodying true pleasure is a woman’s power Many women in our ancestral lineage may not have allowed themselves to explore their own pleasure, because they may have been expected to act and behave a certain way given cultural expectations and […]...
It is comfortable for us to be in the known – our identity, our thought patterns, and the way we relate to the world We may have based our whole identity on the known – our previous beliefs (thoughts we […]...
I only had 5 hours of sleep last night and I needed a pick me up, post workout, to carry me through the day So I concocted a new smoothie recipe at the gym’s cafe I dare to say this […]...
Society and various paradigms like to tell us if our desires are right or wrong In the universe, there’s no right or wrong in terms of desires It just is Our desires allow us grow, to evolve, to be What […]...
In my lifetime, I have not seen humanity been so divided and fearful of each other before In this divisiveness, one becomes scared for one’s safety, and becomes closed to views that differ from one, attacking those whom one perceive […]...
In Part 1, I discussed: Why pursuing our desires are key to our healing Why following our desires is not un-spiritual Why making our feelings wrong is denying our authentic self Why “reclaiming” and listening to our feelings help us […]...
Our purpose here on earth: to manifest the very nature of our spirit, which is touched by the spirit of God”–Rumi Why our desires are key to our calling, purpose, and spiritual mastery We are born to have desires–I’d argue […]...
Rise from the ashes: How to Reclaim Your Femininity and Access Your Vulnerability & Strength through Shadow Work Femininity is a way of being, and it is within you Femininity is not about conforming to an archetypal idea of what […]...
How do you love yourself Do you think you’re enough Many of us were taught we are not enough So we try to do more, work on ourselves, buy more… so we can be enough But despite how much we […]...
This is a reworking of the traditional buttercream frosting – we are using cashews and coconut instead of creme and butter It’s not a fancy cream, but it is deliciously healthy, homespun and comforting This does taste a bit nutty, […]...