You may have done many affirmation and positive focus exercises with limited results. You’re so close to getting what you want, but then, you “self-sabotaged” the opportunity again.
You may have spent thousands to to fix the surface symptoms of your issues and problems, only to find that they were only temporary reliefs – the problem you thought you fixed creeped up in another way or form, and you still couldn’t understand why it is that you are’t healing!
After a decade of exploring my subconscious mind through parts work, dance therapy, plant medicine, somatic therapy and shadow work healing, I came to this realisation: We are all inherently worthy of our desires that stem from the heart.
Building this self-love and coming to the realisation that we are inherently worthy ultimately comes from acceptance of parts within ourselves, including those that we are so ashamed of. And, this begins with self-compassion, which is a result of the exploration of the subconscious as well as integration of various parts within ourselves.
But we cannot do this through bypassing our negative emotions or just doing positive affirmations. We also have to embrace and work with the parts within us to figure out the resistance we have behind what it is that we are wanting, and access our subconscious mind to understand our patterns stemming from childhood and our ancestors (shadow work healing).
I tried almost everything in the new age world – from positive affirmations to self development forums to workshops to past life healing to meditations to sound healing to yoga, etc.
All the above were useful to an extent, but I still needed a lot of help with setting my boundaries, recognising and communicating my worth. I was then led to the exploration of my subconscious mind through parts work, dance therapy, plant medicine, somatic therapy and shadow work.
I started this website as a means to bring an understanding of healing, combining shadow work, parts work, dance and body work, helping you increase your self worth and move towards your deepest desires. I am passionate about coaching and empowering creatives and entrepreneurs to overcome blocks, embrace their authentic self, increase self love, access higher consciousness and levels of mental, physical, and emotional well-being. As a coach and wellness curator, I have helped hundreds of clients present and communicate their best selves to achieve their goals.
How My Near-Death Experience Uncovered My Path to Shadow Work and Self Love
The wakeup call happened when a near fatal car accident in a new city almost killed me. I had no idea that how this event would transform my life at its core, by leading me to master healers who worked with me for years to heal my body and transform my own subconscious beliefs.
Being a bit obsessive with shadow work, somatic and dance therapy, I uncovered almost every aspect of my childhood, past life, ancestral lineage to figure out why I was the way I was, and how to change my “patterns” so I could get what I wanted. That got me so far – I still felt that I needed to prove myself. And I felt tired and stagnant constantly trying to figure out what was “wrong” with me so I could “change” and then get what I want.
One day, I hit a point and had a startling realisation:
That was the pivotal moment. This simple realisation took many tears, unnecessary self punishment, heartaches, and of course, practises of meeting my unmet needs, loving all my parts and connecting with my disowned energies through shadow work and dance therapy.
For the first time in my life, I felt that I am enough, and loved just as I am! And I am free to be me!
Many people don’t understand or even try to seek out the root causes to their life struggles. Even when they do, they may get stuck in the pattern of constantly blaming of themselves and trying to figure out what is wrong with them.
The emphasis of too much personal growth work or even talk therapy is only trying to figure out what is wrong with people and fixing them, rather than embracing people in all their parts and disowned energies aka the shadow.
And, I’ve found that “mental processes” alone, without using the body and movement, can only go so far.
After experiencing the amazing journey of healing and accessing my subconscious mind, I would like to share my techniques with you. My coaching will help you discover your blocks and show you the steps to healing and turning your trauma into gifts, in a practical and straightforward way.
By working with your parts and accessing your subconscious through movement and shadow work, you can heal, find answers, and realise that you are enough all this time!
At the beginning of the session we will go through your coaching questionnaire, which will be sent to you prior to your session. Next, we will go through a “radical self inquiry” exercise where we will ask you questions about your goals and engage in a conversation about your current beliefs. Thereafter, we will uncover your shadow and parts within that maybe blocking you from achieving your goals, and more. We will then work with those parts and reprogram your subconscious through shadow work and connection to the body. The goal of sessions is to help you achieve more clarity and peace, find the root of your issues, and provide action steps on how to best move through your issues.
I am a coach and am only communicating information I perceive and knowledge I’ve learned the past decade. I am not a guru or psychologist. I can only say what works for me in my own experience, and show you what has worked for me in breaking or working through certain painful karmic cycles and asking you certain questions to help you gain better awareness of yourself.